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Elevate-Education-Services's Shop

We are education specialists with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field across multiple roles: Early Years Leader, SENCo, Curriculum Leader, ECT facilitator, Deputy Headteacher, Headteacher. Our particular specialisms are in the fields of Early Years, SEND, Communication & Language, Safeguarding, Trauma and Mental Health & Wellbeing. We are passionate about raising standards by overcoming barriers.

We are education specialists with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field across multiple roles: Early Years Leader, SENCo, Curriculum Leader, ECT facilitator, Deputy Headteacher, Headteacher. Our particular specialisms are in the fields of Early Years, SEND, Communication & Language, Safeguarding, Trauma and Mental Health & Wellbeing. We are passionate about raising standards by overcoming barriers.
Neuroaffirming Language Poster

Neuroaffirming Language Poster

This poster supports people to communicate in a neuroaffirming manner and use language which is supportive and celebratory of neurodivergence. Share this poster to ensure more people communicate in a neuroaffirming and accepting manner.
Meet your teacher

Meet your teacher

This template is great to use when preparing children for transitions. It enables children and families to learn more about their new teacher and their class. It is a great tool to share before the Summer holidays to enable families to discuss and prepare children for the upcoming change.
Circles of Relationship

Circles of Relationship

This resource is a supportive tool for identifying important people in a child’s life. It enables the practitioner to identify people from different groups who are important to the child. It can be used to gain a child’s wishes and feelings.
Daily Task Planner Resource Pack

Daily Task Planner Resource Pack

This resource pack comes with 9 different templates for visual daily task planners. These are to be used to support children with a visual to map out their daily routine and timetable. There are 3 different themes and 3 different structures to the timetable. Please use the structure which is most suitable for your child. They are in a progressive structure: Now and Next daily planner Sequencing several events daily planner Whole day daily planner
School Pack Visual Timetable Log Slices

School Pack Visual Timetable Log Slices

Here are a variety of visual timetable symbols to be used in a school or learning environment. For home based visual symbols, please see the Home Visual Timetable Log Slices. For information on how to use visual supports effectively, see the Use of Visual Supports document.
SEND Monitoring Proforma

SEND Monitoring Proforma

This monitoring template is created to provide a holistic overview of the child’s needs and current provision in place. The monitoring template triangulates the child’s SEND targets with a lesson observation and work scrutiny. This template provides clear monitoring guidance which meets and exceeds statutory requirements.